About Artisan
A Life Of Faith Is Not Built Carelessly, But Crafted Intentionally
Our Core Values
Our Values are our “bullseye” as a church: they outline the type of community and individuals that we are prayerfully working to become. Everything we do at Artisan is informed by who we believe God is inviting us to become.
Christians throughout history have been known by the way that they show hospitality to the communities that they live in. The gospel message of Jesus is often best shared over a meal or in a living room, not just from a pulpit. We exist to welcome those outside our own circles of relationship like family, and desire to be a church that loves our neighbors by practicing radical hospitality without expecting anything in return.
None of us are “self made.” We all carry stories that are inseparable from the impact of our communities. Church is meant to be a place where following Jesus is done together through the good times and bad, and each person and generation play essential roles in the community of God. We’re a church that will invite you to commit to community because we believe it’s worth it.
When God created humans, He invited us to partner with him in stewarding His creation. God has entrusted each of us with money, time, & relationships that are meant to be stewarded for His glory. We are a church that will encourage you to be faithfully and sacrificially generous in order to take part in building God’s kingdom on earth.
We’re a church that’s committed to always getting better, not simply to create a great experience but to be effective witnesses for the message of Jesus. God’s primary way of working in the world is through the work of His people, and He invites us not just to be consumers but to contribute. We desire to be a church of improvers: people who walk into church, their homes, workplaces & communities asking themselves “how can I make it better?”
From the beginning, Jesus’ invitation has been to make disciples of all nations, and we are a church that dreams about how to reach those who have yet to experience the kingdom of God. All of us have a part to play in this mission, whether it be reaching those who live next door to us or taking part in God’s global mission. We never want to forget that our purpose goes far beyond just ourselves.